Hearing impaired children and bedwetting

hearing impaired - TheraPee blog - bedwetting alarm

Can bedwetting in hearing impaired children be treated? The answer is yes, although it may not be an easy task. The main focus in this treatment is on the parents, as their responsibility for waking up the child after the alarm rings is higher than ever.

The main difficulty of the bedwetting treatment in these cases stems from the fact that a standard alarm/bell device is not sufficient enough, and cannot be used as a standalone product. When the hearing impairment is severe, the child will not respond to the sound of the device and it will not be possible to condition the reflex mechanism.

In most cases, children who use a hearing aid during the day, must sleep without their hearing aid at night. That’s why the parents have a crucial responsibility: they must hear the bedwetting alarm device and immediately go and wake the child. When the parents hear the ringing, and wake the child immediately, the conditioning is created because the child learns to subconsciously link the act of wetting to the immediate awakening response, caused by the parent.

The effectiveness of this conditioning can be improved by using a device that combines the ringing with a vibration effect, so that the child responds to the vibration and the parents respond to the ringing.

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