I’m so glad I did
I bought this product for my 9 and 7 year old kids. Both were still in pull-ups and I was so tired of the spending money on basically big kid diapers! I saw the product a few months ago but couldn’t justify spending over $500 on the two kits. A few months later, after reading all of the really recent reviews I decided to purchase them. I’m so glad I did. My 7 year old has been dry for over 2 months and with the cognitive therapy’s help, she only had 3 wet nights since we bought the product. My 9 year old had a tougher go, but has had weeks in between wet nights. It’s a fantastic product. I was so ready for this, and the therapy made my kids ready for it too. They were excited to get stars and we offered them extra incentives for the different levels of stars. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone that struggles with their kids bedwetting!