
What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

This system worked for our 10 year old boy!

This system is THE BEST. It worked like a charm for our 10 year old boy. We used the online program with the alarm and our son stopped wetting the bed within a few weeks. The online videos really helped him understand that there is nothing wrong with him and that he is completely capable of training his body to do what it is meant to do. SO WORTH THE INVESTMENT. good luck!

Robert S Kelly
March 7, 2016

Highly recommend

I could not recommend this system enough. I was a bit dubious about whether it would work but we were getting a bit desperate so decided to give it a shot. It is WELL WORTH the money. The program was easy to use, customer support was perfect, it was engaging for children and it worked like magic. I’m so grateful we took a chance.

March 9, 2016

I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Therapee, my 6 year old boy is literally jumping for joy at being told he’s done it. The difference in his confidence is amazing and he’s now planning sleepovers with his friends when COVID is over.

L (Brunei)

I could not have made a better use of our finances

After so much stress and so much laundry and really searching for the right answer to help our 12 year old daughter, I went back to the internet…. again searching for solutions. I found Therapee online, and after months of determining if we should make the financial investment in Therapee, we finally purchased. I could not have made a better use of our finances!! My 12 year old daughter is now free from bedwetting!! She is so relieved and happy, my only regret is that we didn’t find this sooner. We are so happy that we are going to use the program with her two brothers that still wet the bed! Looking forward to their success as well! Thank you Dr. Sagie!!

My 7 year old daughter still struggled with bedwetting and I could tell it really bothered her that her older sister was dry at age 3. At her annual pediatrician appt, the MD mentioned getting a bed wetting alarm. She didn’t specify a particular one or mention any by name. I went home and researched various alarms and read reviews. Although this was probably the most expensive, I feel it was worth it. Just wish I knew it was going to work in just 2 months time, I opted for the unlimited plan as I had no idea she would be successful that quickly. I told my daughter I was looking at getting her a bedwetting alarm and showed her Therapee online. She was very eager to start. The only negative I can say is I wish it didn’t take almost 3 weeks to arrive. She kept asking me everyday if it arrived yet. She was that ready to start! She looked forward to logging her results online and to see the feed back video from the MD. When she graduated from the program she was beyond excited and so proud of herself. She is a gifted child and everything comes so easily for her except staying dry at night, at least until we started this program. She can now comfortably go to sleepovers where as before she would opt to be picked up before bed for fear someone would see her wearing a night time diaper and tease her. Only wish I had done it sooner!

Sue (USA)

Good Luck.

I have never written a review before, but feel I need to if it helps someone else make a decision to try this. We purchased this about 7 months ago for our 14 year old son. He had a lot of medical problems when he was born and has had many struggles related to these. We had tried several different alarms and systems. We would have some small success, but could never get to more than 2 weeks of being dry at night. Then he would revert to being wet nearly every night. We went to the urology clinic at the local children’s hospital and they prescribed medication, which didn’t work. They then told me some kids never outgrow this. As a parent of a child who has struggled so hard to get where he is, I was not willing to accept that response. I found this product on line and was a little hesitant at first because of the price, but after reading the other reviews, I knew we needed to try it. Any parent who has watched their child struggle with this knows this is heartbreaking, especially as they start getting into their teens. It affects their self confidence and their socialization with other kids and sleep overs.

Well, it took some time, but our son has been dry for close to 2 months now. Please be patient with this program. Your child may need more than just an alarm (as our son did). Dr. Sagie will give new exercises to do every few weeks and those exercises are what did it for our son. We saw some improvement with the initial exercises, but the exercises he recommends a few weeks later seem odd, but the change was immediate. Within days, our son was having more and more dry nights. He is now approaching 2 months of being dry. Good Luck.

David Goodnetter
March 12, 2016

Our newly adopted 8 year old son, Dartanian wet the bed every night sometimes twice a night for the four years he was in foster care. Multiple specialists said it was all trauma based but others pointed out that this is a myth and that bedwetting stems from a deep sleep. Our son has been doing the program for 6 months and has stayed completely dry the last 2 months. He was able to go to camp and although we packed pull ups, they were not needed! Anyone suffering this issue needs to invest. It’s the best $300 you could spend!!

Having tried unsuccessfully a couple of times to do overnight training, we thought this method would be a lot more painful than it was. In the past when we’ve taken off the pull-ups and just buckled down for some sleepless nights, that’s exactly what we got. Changing sheets every night and worse, our son waking up cold and upset after hours in wet sheets.
Having the alarm changed that, in that as soon as the bed got wet, we could change the sheets, take our son to the bathroom, and know he was dry and comfortable again. Having the ‘star’ chart was really motivating for him, and the fortnightly videos from Dr. Sagie definitely helped our son feel more a part of the process. We were told it could take up to 6 months, and we expected it to based on his history, but once we began we were thrilled to see progress right away. There were probably 2 or 3 weeks of once or twice nightly sheet changes, but then came the first star (dry night) and a few more spotted through the next fortnight. After about a month he was having stretches of 4-5 dry nights, and then after about two months, it was rare for him to pee the bed. We were just working up to the coveted gold star by that point – which took a surprisingly thorough 45-ish nights by the end! At least we knew he’d graduated without a doubt! Our son was only 6 which is probably not too old in the scheme of things, but we didn’t want to wait until he was older and feeling more self-aware. It feels awesome going into summer and knowing that camping, sleepovers, and life, in general, will be so much simpler for him.
M.B (Canada)

She was dry more than she was wet and the results kept getting better. 

This system WORKS! My 7 yr old daughter has always suffered with bedwetting and I tried everything to help her stop. After trying several other products including other alarms, we found success with TheraPee. Within the first month, she was dry more than she was wet and the results kept getting better. With the help of Dr. Sagie she has been dry at night for over 3 months – if you are skeptical like I was at first, give this a try… really does work (happy momma here)!

My wife and I are overjoyed, relieved and so thankful to the work Dr. Sagie put into making Therapee so successful for our child. Our child used Therapee for about five months and was getting consistent dry nights for the last 2 months. Our child has not wet the bed since and he is waking at nights to use the bathroom. We are so very grateful and thank you so much for being our light during a trying time.

David (US)

The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.