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What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

It really worked for us and I highly recommend it

My 8 YO son was very upset that he still needed to wear pull ups and the icing on the cake was on of his younger cousins (who is 4) asking why Evan needed to wear diapers! We had tried multiple solutions and attempts and nothing worked. I don’t know exactly what it was about this program, but things clicked for our son right away. I think it had a lot to do with the videos that addressed him directly; not just an adult or parent talking down to him, but empathizing with his situation and challenges. We definitely had some nights when the alarm went off, but it didn’t take long at all (basically 4 weeks) and he was staying dry all night. I don’t know what we would have done without this program. It really worked for us and I highly recommend it. Thanks, Dr. Sagie!!!!

January 12, 2016

When I was younger, I wet the bed almost continually until the age of 21, this was in spite of many well-intended interventions during the course of my childhood and adolescence, including medication, hypnotherapy, and enuresis alarms. Bedwetting had a profoundly negative effect on all aspects of my life, mainly social and educational.

With my own son aged four-and-a-half and still wearing nappies in bed, I was determined that he would not endure the same experience, despite the knowledge that bedwetting often runs in families.

We researched tirelessly. We tried implementing our own motivational regimes for almost a year, with very limited success, before coming across Dr. Sagie’s Therapee programme on the Internet.

The package containing the system arrived very promptly through the letterbox, and we set about using it straight away. It was the best quality bedwetting alarm I had ever seen, and indeed it has worked faultlessly throughout.

The educational and motivational quality of the web-based content really enthralled my son, and he was proud of achieving his blue, then red, then gold stars, whilst carrying out the exercises he was given (although only as and when he wanted to!)

Best news of all – there was steady progress and the programme worked, in exactly the time frame we were promised!

I think we started it at the perfect age (5). We would strongly recommend the system to any parent with a child who wets the bed.

Dr. Sagie, you have transformed my son’s life more than you can imagine! Thank you!

S.J (UK)

I tried Theeapee and it was amazing! It really works!!!

My son had just turned 9 and we were hoping he’d just stop wetting the bed, unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

I was really at my wits end and my son was so unhappy! I tried Theeapee and it was amazing! It really works!! I was very pleasantly surprised, and my son can have sleepovers now!! Thank you Dr. Sagie, you have changed our lives!!!!

Shelly R.
December 1, 2014

Hi Dr. Sagie

We have completed Therapee and it was a success!!! We can’t thank you enough for developing this fabulous system. Your system was the first we tried. All the other alarms on the market involved placing a sensor on the child and I was never comfortable with that. What also sold me on your system is that the sensor required no wifi or any radio frequency. I knew it was the safest product on the market. I read many reviews as well and they were all positive. I loved the chart as well and the exercises that were taught. Frankly , I’m shocked it only took my son less than 2 weeks to be dry!!! It was a rough first week but then it’s like the alarm triggered a reflex in his brain!!! We are forever grateful to your system. I was skeptical at first but I’ve changed my mind. I’m keeping the system forever and will let other people know if their children have a bed wetting problem , to try yours.

Tracey (U.S)

I was 19 years old and still wetting the bed. I had tried several things before and nothing really worked. I was getting desperate and began searching. It was then that I found therapee. I bought it and used it just as they said, and it worked. I can safely say it was the best money I ever spent. It changed my life.


My son and I are over-the-moon thrilled with the results! He is 12 years old and was still wetting the bed almost nightly. We tried medication with mild success, but not a cure. The results were not immediate for us as it took about 3 months, but the overall progress was evident. He has been dry for over a month now! He went on an overnight class trip with no concerns and can finally have sleepovers without the concern of his friends discovering his nighttime underwear. Can’t thank Dr. Sagie and the TheraPee system enough!!!

S.W (Canada)


I am so glad I purchased this! My daughter had gone through spells of off and on being dry at night and recently we were back to having her use pull ups this was not what she wanted as she is now 9years old and going back to that was hard and embarrassing for her, getting to the age of sleep overs, I was nervous when the occasional friend would sleep over that they would find out and she would feel bad. Then I went to waking her up to go in the middle of the night, as she was just such a sound sleeper that she wouldn’t wake on her own. we were in need of ‘something ‘ to get us over the hump and back on track once and for all. So in searching the internet I found this system and based on other reviews purchased it.
The pad is super sensitive, which makes it so great. And the alarm is affective, even for heavy sleepers. It honestly worked just a they said it would. We had a few nights of the alarm going off that she didn’t wake for (and I found a quick and easy way to change the sheets in the middle of the night. ) then she had some dry nights and then a few alarms-she quickly started to wake on her own. It was just a few weeks. She is doing great ! We are still using the alarm, for the ‘just in case’ for a while just to make absolute sure she is good to go, but honestly I feel that is was just what we needed to turn the corner and she feels such a sense of accomplishment. I will defiantly use this for my younger two daughters when they are ready so we can quickly and successfully night train, rather than letting the process drag on and on. Thank you Dr. Saige!

It worked – we are grateful

This solution worked. Our daughter is 10 and we were getting very frustrated prior to this product. It took a few weeks of patience and then we started to have more and more dry nights. Took about 3 months total and she is now good to go – no issues in over a month. Definitely the combination of the tool plus the website/tracking made a difference – we had tried a previous tool alone without a software package two years ago with no success. I highly recommend this product!

Dear Dr. Sagie,
Hi, I’m Joe, and I’m eleven years old.  Thanks to you I am doing GREAT!  Your alarm and program are awesome, and my five other siblings are waiting in line!  Crazy huh?!  My first dry night was very inspiring, and I cannot believe how well your alarm works!
To any other kids out there who aren’t dry yet, do not be ashamed, whatever the age; because you will be dry!  It does not matter what other people think at all.  Do not give up!  It’s a lot of work, but it will be fun when you are dry!  This program works!
Our family tried almost every program out there, and this is the first one that has produced positive results!  It only took me five months!
Once again, I thank you, Dr. Sagie, for working to help me stay dry!

My 6 year old was constantly wetting her bed or having to wear pull-ups every night, while her twin stopped around the age of 3. You could tell this bothered her and in-turn bothered me. I tried to wake up in the middle of the night, but I could never time the bed-wetting for it to be effective and this was becoming tiring and troublesome for me. I am impressed by Dr. Sagie’s device. The alarm system plus exercises my daughter participate in have been a game changer. In our first 2 week session, she earned 1 star. In our second 2 week session she earned 7, including a red star. In our third week session, she has been dry the entire time. What I am most grateful for to Dr Sagie, is that his device is bringing joy to my daughter’s face when she wakes up with a dry bed. Thank you. I wish I found you sooner


The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.