
What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

Worked great for us

We used this for my 10 yo son and he responded really well and quickly. I have been recommending this to anyone who is struggling with this. The high price is worth it for the accountability calendar and little therapy videos catered to your child’s specific situation. It’s a great program!

Thanks Dr. Sagie

Great program. My son had positive results right from the start and in a few months time he stopped bedwetting altogether. I can’t believe it was that easy and we were doing so many things wrong. Thanks Dr. Sagie.

December 8, 2014

We did all the things that the website talked about. Pull-ups for way too long, limiting water at night, waking up our 6 year old to pee at 11 pm, etc. It only took a week to have 2 dry nights. Then we continued the program. The dry nights increased and at 5 weeks he was dry almost every night! He hasn’t had a wet night since week 8.
I still can’t believe it! He was such a deep sleeper and wouldn’t wake up when he was wet. The alarm is amazing and our son now sleeps through the night with no wet alarms. We are at week 13/14 now and can’t remember when he had wet alarms! Thank you!


Having successfully used TheraPee for my eldest child at 7, and my younger child having delayed dry nights, he was very keen himself to start following the programme.  We tried it first when he was 5 but he got scared by the noise. We tried it again when he was 6, but without success.  However, when we tried it when he was 7, he did amazingly well, and it was clearly the right time for him.  My son was really motivated with the online programme, enjoying seeing how the blue stars stacked up.  He enjoyed it when Dr Sagie ’spoke to him’ with encouragement and more information, and in all, it took him around 3 months to be consistently dry, and has been dry ever since.  Both of my children responded so well to TheraPee and clearly for them, 7 was the magic age at which to use it!  We received fantastic customer support throughout our time with TheraPee and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone wanting a positive and effective way to help their children become dry at night.

J.A (UK)



My 10 year old son potty trained very easily at age 2. And yet, we could not find a way to keep him dry at night. I finally resorted to nighttime pull-ups and we have continued to wear them for 8 years. My child wanted to have sleepovers and go to sleep away camp, but he was too embarrassed of his bedwetting. We tried alarm watches and alarm clocks. He did not wake up. We tried medication, and though it worked after 2 days, it gave him debilitating migraines, which sent us down a road of headache recovery. I finally decided to try TheraPee. This program worked after just a few weeks! My child has taken over control of his life. He is going to summer camp! And I feel like a good mother for making this choice and following through with each step of the program. It was a tough financial decision but it was worth every single penny. I am so grateful for the peace it has brought to my heart and my child’s heart. Thank you!


Dear Dr. Sagie,
I wanted to write you a note of gratitude for your TheraPee program. I can say without exaggeration that it changed my son’s life.
Last summer, just before my son turned 14, I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. He replied, “Dad, the only thing I want in the world is not to start high school as a bedwetter.” His words broke my heart. Up to that point, he had struggled with bedwetting since he was toilet trained. We tried everything. Medication provided a short-term relief, but the side effects were unsustainable, and any progress ceased as soon as he stopped taking it. Other alarm systems didn’t work — they woke up everyone else in the house but him. My wife and I took him to various doctors who all reacted in a nonchalant manner and advised us to just keep him in pull-ups until he eventually grew out of it.

His bedwetting caused him to miss out on so much of his childhood. There were no sleepovers, school trips, Boy Scout camps, etc. because he was too afraid that his peers would find out he still wet the bed. He was so embarrassed to still be wearing absorbent underwear to bed as a teenager. I knew I had to do whatever I could to end this problem once and for all.

I discovered TheraPee and we saw results almost instantly. In one month, he went from wetting the bed every night (sometimes multiple times a night) to having just a couple accidents a week. About six weeks in, he was fully dry for a week for this first time in his life. After a little more than two months, he was consistently dry. It has now been 13 months since he began the program, and he no longer wets the bed. It’s a miracle.

One of the happiest days of my life was the day that he and I took his leftover pull-ups and donated them to a local Goodwill. He was so proud that he didn’t need them anymore. And he got his wish: when he started high school last fall, he was no longer a bedwetter.



Absolutely worked for my 12 yr old

Absolutely worked for my 12 yr old. Have tried everything, restricting fluids, waking him up in middle of night, alarms. This worked! We are so very happy

Amazon Customer
January 8, 2016

Therapee was the perfect product for my 7-year old daughter. She responded very well to the program and in a few months she was completely dry. The product is not just a bedwetting alarm – it is a complete program that gives parents and patients the needed support and guidance throughout the process. My daughter looked forward to completing her chart and watching the instruction videos. The alarm itself is well-made and easy to use. I couldn’t believe how effective it was and now my family is grateful for Dr Sagie and his team for creating this marvellous technology.

S. K

You need to buy this if you have a bedwetter!!!

I cannot say enough good things about this product. Our son was almost 10 when we started using it. He did not go to sleepovers and rarely had friends stay at our house because of his bedwedding. This product is amazing! The first week we had 2 nights that were dry. That is better than any week I can remember. By week 8, he may have had 1 accident, but usually none. We have since put away the pad/alarm, and haven’t looked back!

Jodi Pratt
March 13, 2016

The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.