
What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

Our 9 Years old sun used to wet his bed almost all the nights. This affected our life both mentally and physically: we never dare to leave him a night alone in his grandma because nobody knows about his problem. Finding the proper pull up was difficult for his size. We always were thinking when his problem will be eliminated? Actually it was a kind of dream for us. We brought him to specialist and he prescribed some medicines for him, some of them has negative side effects those are too early for a 9-year boy. All of us were frustrated so much, then I decided to search the web about the possible solution for his problem, then I found Dr. Sagie’s solution. I supposed it is like many other solutions that have very limited and temporary effects, but worth to try it. Now it is the fourth month of using it, my son was completely dry (even a drop!) for past two months! It is obvious that this invention is a mix of mental and physical exercise and rewards program and they really work! The treatment process was so smooth and in each step the necessary information is given to both parents and the child very clearly. We all really so thankfulness of Dr. Sagie and his team and just say a word to them: you have solved one of our nightmares, thank you to be so helpful!


My son believes in your program 100% – your intro video sold him. He thinks you are talking directly to him personally. He even asked me if you could see him. And he can’t wait to see you again next Saturday! He asked me if he could write you a letter after he’s all done, like the letters he saw on your video!

James K

Therapee was the perfect product for my 7-year old daughter. She responded very well to the program and in a few months she was completely dry. The product is not just a bedwetting alarm – it is a complete program that gives parents and patients the needed support and guidance throughout the process. My daughter looked forward to completing her chart and watching the instruction videos. The alarm itself is well-made and easy to use. I couldn’t believe how effective it was and now my family is grateful for Dr Sagie and his team for creating this marvellous technology.

S. K

I read through a lot of reviews on Amazon and our story was like so many success stories

Our 8 year old son rarely had a dry night. After trying this and that and making several of the parent mistakes on the Therapee website, my husband and I stumbled onto Therapee. After watching the info video and reading info on the website, we thought this could be our answer! I read through a lot of reviews on Amazon and our story was like so many success stories. It was nice to find that we were not alone!!!

We bought the program early December 2015 and began using right away. Our son had 5 wet nights before 2 dry nights! We then had several more wet nights but since those, we have been dry!!! Our son is so proud and happy to be past the wet nights!!! He has now been dry for 40 days! Therapee truly works!!! We are thankful for Therapees program!!!

Mom of three boys
February 25, 2016

Program really works!

I have a10 year old son who wet the bed almost every night. We started using dr Sagie’s mat last fall. It has taken some time but please be patient! Stick with it it works!!! We are completely dry and so happy! Thank you Dr Sagie!!


My son is now 12 yrs old (almost 13) and was still wetting the bed most every night. We tried a couple different alarms, restricted fluids, meds, urologist at Mass General, woke him in the middle of the night to pee… There were times that he would not wet the bed for a few days but without fail he would start again. The urologist told us that he would outgrow it as it was a matter of brain development and suggested meds for the time being. We tried the meds and he still wet the bed. We increased the dosage several times and he still wet the bed. We tried talking about it right before bed in hopes that his subconscious would make him wake up. We tried rewards too. At his age he is very money driven as there are many things he wants to buy. I offered him $10 per consecutive dry night and if he wet the bed he would owe me $5. He was losing money faster than making it. Finally we tried Therapee. At last we had some physical exercises to help control his bladder function and reason to believe we can win this battle. We followed the program and entered the data together and it started working. He now wets the bed ~once every two weeks at best. He has been doing the exercises daily and following the instructions and it is actually working. I finally feel like we are going to conquer this thing. The exercises are definitely working and they give him something to do to help himself as he wants nothing more than to be able to go to camp and sleepovers like all his friends do. We have not really been faithful about using the sensor pad as he has the ability to sleep through a fog horn and honestly so do I. With that said, the program has been highly effective without using the pad. I highly recommend this program! I couldn’t be happier! He is soooo excited to be able to have friends sleep over (something new). I am confident that by this winter he will be able to go to sleepovers! It may be expensive but the peace of mind and the vast decrease in laundry makes it worth every penny!

I purchased this system for my 9 year daughter. She is a very deep sleeper, We had tried everything and nothing had worked. When I found this system and read all about it my husband and I decided to give it a try. Success!! I am so impressed with this simple system. It worked so fast for us, in about a month we saw amazing progress. It really worked. Since then I have used it again with my second daughter, age 6… Success again. Amazing, I would defiantly recommend this system. Thank you Dr. Saige.


This is an excellent program. 

This is an excellent program. The alarm and sensor pad are only part of the success. Dr. Sagie explains exercises for your child to preform daily. Each day your child will mark their progress with a color coded star (this is further explained in the sessions you will have with dr. Sagie). Ultimately your child works toward a “gold star.” It is self motivating. Our son no longer has a problem with bedwetting. Prior to this program we didn’t know what we were going to do to help our son. Bedwetting has been completely eliminated! Worth every penny!

Dr. Sagie,
I cannot thank you enough for this program. As a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with 21 years of experience and mother to a bedwetter, I can tell you there is absolutely no other program or solution out there that works like yours does. It took approx 5 months but my 5 year old son is FINALLY dry! He used to saturate the bed and have accidents during the day, being too distracted to use the bathroom. Your exercises SAVED us over here and taught my son control and gave him confidence and the thrill and relief of success.


Hello Dr., Juana has successfully completed treatment, fortunately we have not had any any incident, we are super-happy. Only I want to ask two things, first you have to know session to understand that Juana has completed his treatment, a card from you and she can send your comments and your drawing of how happy you feel now. And two, in Mexico unfortunately do not have any system like yours, for the thousands of children living with enuresis, is a shame that our specialists only deal with hormones or antidrepresivos our children, and also your valuable system does this available to all those people who are unable to understand the English language or access to this highly effective method, I offer my help without any economic interest to be able to do the dubbing of treatment, in order to help people of Latin America who speak Spanish. Consider it and then you can reply me. I appreciate this treatment, which has changed our lives and especially my little Juana


The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.