
What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

The support given by the TheraPee program was brilliant. 

Our son had been struggling with bedwetting for a long time. We had tried other alarm systems but these didn’t seem to work. The support given by the TheraPee program was brilliant. It helped provide motivation and also provided feedback when needed. The use of the star chart allowed us to track progress in a visual and effective way. The actual bedwetting mat was more durable than others we had tried. Our son is now dry at nights. It took nearly 3 months of hard work but was well worth the effort. Our son feels successful and can now go confidently on sleep overs.

This System Works.

My 7-year-old daughter wore Goodnites to bed every single night. And every single morning, they were soaked. She was embarrassed. As her parents, we were frustrated. We tried all the “traditional” advice: decrease the amount of fluids drunk prior to bedtime, put your child to bed earlier, take your child to the toilet before you go to sleep yourself, just wait and your child will outgrow it, etc. None of that worked. I absolutely refused to put her on drugs. Well-meaning relatives suggested taking her to a psychologist. I was determined to find another way.

After lots of Internet research, I found Therapee. Was I a bit taken aback by the price tag? You betcha. What ultimately convinced me to buy it? The detailed explanation of enuresis (that’s doctor-speak for bedwetting), its typical root cause – exceptionally deep sleep – and how the Therapee system addresses this root cause. I recognized my daughter in the descriptions, and was very hopeful that this would work for her.

Work it did. Her progress went like this:
• Week 1 – two dry nights
• Week 2 – six dry nights
• Week 3 – seven dry nights (yup, all week)
• Week 4 – seven dry nights (now that’s gotta be a fluke)
• Week 5 – seven dry nights (what – already?)

And we stopped tracking. She’s been dry every single night of the four months since we stopped tracking. So essentially, with the Therapee system, she went from wetting the bed every night to being completely dry every night in two weeks. That’s unusually fast according to the Therapee website, but I’m not one to question such obvious success.

My daughter absolutely loved our nightly log-ins to the Therapee software to update her progress chart and watch the next video with Dr. Sagie. I was impressed by how the website presented videos based on our input into the progress chart. We used every suggestion presented in the videos and were diligent in performing the needed parental activities. And clearly, it paid off for us.

I cannot say enough good things about Therapee. We are holding on to the bedwetting alarm in case our 5-year-old son needs it later. (You can re-use the alarm and purchase only another license for the supporting software if you want to use the system with a different child.) Should that be the case, I am 100% confident that this system will work for him, too.

This. System. Works. ‘Nuff said.

TheraPee Bedwetting Help

At 4 our daughter went a year without wetting the bed, then at 5 began wetting the bed every night and sometimes twice. We tried everything, talking about bedwetting, reading about it, peeing before bedtime, not drinking two hours before bed time, counseling and nothing got us more than two or three dry nights in a row. So, after scouring the web I found the Therapee and after about two weeks, we began to see signs of improvement and a couple of dry days in a row. Then at the end of the first month we started to get dry weeks in a row, and now we are going on months. I wish we had found the Therapee sooner.

Worth every Penny = Confident Happy Kid

Worth every penny!! My daughter is 12 and was completely devastated and embarrassed about her wetting problem. I had tried many techniques and nothing worked, she still wet every night and buying pull-ups was expensive. I was skeptical about this product working because my daughter not only has tried many things to stop wetting but that she also had reflux problems that was fixed surgically. Her urologist said she should not have bed wetting issues but she did. I just didn’t know what else to do! I wish I would have found this product and invested in this years ago. I could have saved so much heart ache for my daughter. If your child has bed wetting issues, don’t hesitate about buying this product. The confidence my daughter has now, makes it worth every penny I spent! She was committed to the program and she was SUCCESSFUL!!! Crying happy tears 🙂 Thank you for this product!!

Amazon Customer
March 23, 2016

I can’t thank Dr. Sagie enough. when I was starting grade 4rth I felt like I was the only one with this situation. but when I got on this treatment I found out that I am not alone, there were even 13 year old’s having this problem, that made me way better. it took a lot of effort to be fully dry, but it was totally worth it. and now I can wake up with nothing feeling wet at all, and I am so happy!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for what you did for me!!
thank you so much Dr. Sagie!

Dear Dr. Sagie,
Therapee truly helped our son completely stop wetting the bed in four months. He was wetting for years, sometimes twice a night. Things around our house started changing immediately as soon as he began the program. I honestly don’t know how it worked so well, but something in him clicked. It really worked! Our pediatrician recommended it to us. The pad was great–very effective. We hardly needed it, though, after a few weeks. Thank you! Your videos and the star chart were key components, it seemed.

Our daughter was a month shy of turning six. She was completely potty trained during the day, however, at night she wore pull ups. The pull ups were never, ever dry. Prior to using this program, she had never had a dry night. We thought she would grow out of it, but we saw that this was not going to be the case for her. We started this program (I must admit, I was very skeptical, especially considering the cost). I read testimonials and watched videos, and thought I would give it a try. Here we are-she hasn’t had an accident in over a month! It’s unbelievable. The first five days were a bit rough for sleeping-we were up 3-4 times a night, however, the next two days we were up one-two times, and then, in the second week of the program, she had her first dry night! Once she had her first dry night, accidents were very minimal after that (I believe she had two over the entire two months of the program). It was amazing, and she was so excited! The star program was a big motivator for her, and we just bought her some new nightgowns to celebrate!

Thank you for this program!

We are very pleased to confirm that our daughter has successfully completed your program. She is so delighted and proud. It was an excellent program, well structured and very clear. It helped our daughter feel in control of this problem and of course most importantly, overcome her bed wetting. Our thanks to you.
A message from Kelly;
Thank you very much Dr. Sagie for helping me to not wet the bed anymore. the treatment has worked really well. I feel really happy that I am not wetting my bed anymore.
From Kelly.
A.F (Australia)

Dear Dr. Sagie, Thank you for your service. My son and our family are extremely happy with the result that your service has provided. Job well done and I would recommend Therapee to all parents, especially those sitting on the fence regarding this type of solution like we were.I believe we would have still been waiting it out at this point in time if we hadn’t taken action by purchasing Therapee and the services provided. Best Regards, M.T. (USA)


This Product Works!!

This is a great product and well worth the money. My son had problems with bedwetting until we purchased this product when he was 9 years old. We tried other alarm systems, reward chats, waking him up at night all with no luck for any extended period of time. At 9 years old he was getting invited to more sleep overs, he was old enough for camps so we decided to invest in a product that was getting great reviews and looked promising, the TheraPee. Sure enough, within weeks we began to see progress and within 2 month he was completely dry every night. I believe the videos hearing other kids stories, the encouragement from Dr. Sagie, taking accountability and making this his own journey made all the difference. I would recommend this product to anyone that is struggling with bedwetting. Don’t wait… this works!

The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.