This System Works.
My 7-year-old daughter wore Goodnites to bed every single night. And every single morning, they were soaked. She was embarrassed. As her parents, we were frustrated. We tried all the “traditional” advice: decrease the amount of fluids drunk prior to bedtime, put your child to bed earlier, take your child to the toilet before you go to sleep yourself, just wait and your child will outgrow it, etc. None of that worked. I absolutely refused to put her on drugs. Well-meaning relatives suggested taking her to a psychologist. I was determined to find another way.
After lots of Internet research, I found Therapee. Was I a bit taken aback by the price tag? You betcha. What ultimately convinced me to buy it? The detailed explanation of enuresis (that’s doctor-speak for bedwetting), its typical root cause – exceptionally deep sleep – and how the Therapee system addresses this root cause. I recognized my daughter in the descriptions, and was very hopeful that this would work for her.
Work it did. Her progress went like this:
• Week 1 – two dry nights
• Week 2 – six dry nights
• Week 3 – seven dry nights (yup, all week)
• Week 4 – seven dry nights (now that’s gotta be a fluke)
• Week 5 – seven dry nights (what – already?)
And we stopped tracking. She’s been dry every single night of the four months since we stopped tracking. So essentially, with the Therapee system, she went from wetting the bed every night to being completely dry every night in two weeks. That’s unusually fast according to the Therapee website, but I’m not one to question such obvious success.
My daughter absolutely loved our nightly log-ins to the Therapee software to update her progress chart and watch the next video with Dr. Sagie. I was impressed by how the website presented videos based on our input into the progress chart. We used every suggestion presented in the videos and were diligent in performing the needed parental activities. And clearly, it paid off for us.
I cannot say enough good things about Therapee. We are holding on to the bedwetting alarm in case our 5-year-old son needs it later. (You can re-use the alarm and purchase only another license for the supporting software if you want to use the system with a different child.) Should that be the case, I am 100% confident that this system will work for him, too.
This. System. Works. ‘Nuff said.