Day dribbling in children

day dribbling - bedwetting therapee
Dribbling urine during the day, also known as daytime urinary incontinence, can have various causes in children. Here are some common factors that may contribute to this condition:

Immature bladder control: Young children, especially those in the early stages of potty training, may have limited control over their bladder muscles. This can result in occasional urine leakage or dribbling.

Urinary tract infection (UTI): Infections in the urinary tract, such as UTIs, can cause symptoms like increased frequency of urination, urgency, and in some cases, daytime urine dribbling.

Constipation: When a child is constipated, it can put pressure on the bladder, leading to urinary incontinence or dribbling.

Overactive bladder: Some children may have a bladder that contracts too frequently or without warning, causing involuntary urine leakage or dribbling.

Voiding dysfunction: This refers to abnormal patterns of urination, such as incomplete emptying of the bladder or holding urine for prolonged periods. These dysfunctional voiding habits can contribute to daytime dribbling.

Structural abnormalities: Rarely, anatomical issues in the urinary system, such as a urethral stricture or a urinary fistula, can lead to urinary incontinence.

If you’re concerned about your child’s urinary symptoms, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional. A pediatrician or a pediatric urologist can evaluate the specific situation, take a detailed medical history, conduct necessary examinations, and provide appropriate guidance or treatment options based on the underlying cause.