
What does THERAPEE™ include?


The most advanced and safe bed-pad and alarm system available today.​


License for THERAPEE’s online interactive software program.

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For free consultation with one of our bedwetting specialists

Success Stories

A wonderful experience!

Our son was still sporadically wetting the bed and demoralized. Each time it seemed he might have made a breakthrough, it would happen again. He would have dry nights, but I was concerned that he still wasn’t waking up on those nights he didn’t. From the first day he began using this product, he started awakening at night to go to the bathroom. First of all, it is completely comfortable and nonintrusive. I can only surmise that the fact of wearing it, the responsibility of reporting the outcomes, and the sense of this representing a serious treatment caused him to be more cognizant of awakening in the night and going to the bathroom. He seemed to feel empowered and more aware. He used it for a few weeks with complete success and then stopped. Not a single wet sheet in almost one year — and no more fears of overnights!

Wish We Would Have Purchased This Sooner! Great Success for our 6 Year Old!

Our 6 year old son is completely dry after using the TheraPee bedwetting alarm. We haven’t had one wet night since we completed the program. It has changed our life! I wish we had purchased it months before. Definitely the best money we’ve spent.

Absolutely worked for my 12 yr old

Absolutely worked for my 12 yr old. Have tried everything, restricting fluids, waking him up in middle of night, alarms. This worked! We are so very happy

Amazon Customer
January 8, 2016

My son believes in your program 100% – your intro video sold him. He thinks you are talking directly to him personally. He even asked me if you could see him. And he can’t wait to see you again next Saturday! He asked me if he could write you a letter after he’s all done, like the letters he saw on your video!

James K

It worked! Worth the extra money. I was starting to feel like we would never be able to sort this issue. So relieved and love seeing my little girl so happy 😌

K.W (New Zealand)

Thank you so much for this product – it was worth every penny! Our 5 year old daughter was still wetting the bed 4+ times a week – sometimes twice a night. This runs in our family as my brother wet the bed until he was 10 so we were desperate to find a way to help her stay dry. She has refused to wear pull-ups since age 2, so we had a ritual of changing the sheets and bathing in the middle of the night. When I told her I found something to help, she was super excited to start. Once we started the program she quickly went to one accident per week, then one per month. Today we have been accident free for two months (she was using the program for 22 weeks)!! She is no longer embarrassed to sleep over with grandpa and her cousins. Thank you so much!!


My son is 6, and he was wetting the bed every night. I knew he would have a terrible time overcoming this, because I myself had the same problem and didn’t stop till I was 12 with the help of medication. We addressed this with our pediatrician at his 6 year well, and he prescribed medication. My son still wet the bed every single night. At his follow up appointment, his pediatrician suggested a bed alarm. We initially tried a underwear clip on, because it was cheaper. However you get what you pay for. I had seen this system online but was initially scared by the price. The clip on alarm was a disaster, because my son sweats in his sleep. It was constantly going off, and wouldn’t even wake up my son. My wife and I decided to look for a different alarm system. I finally took a look at this website, and watched the videos. What they said made sense to me. So after talking with my wife we decided to try the Therapee system, with the online sessions included. At this point I want to say one thing; in order for this system to work, not only does the child have to be committed to it, but the parent also. You can’t expect the pad and videos to do it all for you. You have to be there, and involved. That being said we have had great success. my son initially was peeing every night 4 or 5 times a night. It has now been over a month of dry nights!!!!!! THIS SYSTEM WORKS! It’s the combination of the pad, the video sessions, and the star calendar. My son was excited to see what the videos would say at the end of the two weeks. He was excited to try the new exercises, and excited to add a new star to his calendar. Slowly but surely he started having dry nights. I was as excited as he was. I didn’t want him to have to face the same embarrassments I did, about sleepovers, and friends finding out he has a “problem”. We look forward to him completing the program soon. I can’t stress enough, that this system does work, and is worth the investment of the money, and more importantly your time and commitment to helping him or her. Thank you Therapee and especially Dr. Sagie for creating this system.


Therapee really works

After trying almost every thing under the sun except therpee and drug treatment , when my 12 year old start worrying to go to bed and saying I will be bed wetter for the rest of my life sadly . I divided to start the drug treatment but I was not ready for the side effect so went ahead and purchased therapee as my last try . It did not take to long when my son start having dry nights , he even took the whole responsibility to log in his daily progress to have his discussions before we know it he is dry and happy . After I waited about 3 month of my 12 year olds treatment completion I sign up my 10 year old he is 3 month through his treatment he is almost graduating he did not have one accident for the last 30 days . I am happy with the program my sons are very happy too .

Rahel Haile
January 7, 2016

Dear Dr. Sagie,

I do not have the words to express my gratitude for your program. Like many other parents, we had tried many different things to try and stop the bedwetting and none of them worked. I was discouraged and felt helpless as a parent because this was something I couldn’t fix for her. She was discouraged, angry, and her self esteem was plummeting. Her friends were starting to have sleepovers and she felt left out but, didn’t want to chance embarrassment. Her younger brother had been out of diapers for years and she felt like she was still a baby. It was at this point that I found your program! We sat down together and read the reviews and watched the videos. She was fully on board and we anxiously awaited the arrival of Therapee. It was a long process for us but, we saw improvements and sure enough, we eventually had more dry nights than wet ones. She was able to go to sleepovers and we could travel without bringing the dreaded pull-ups along with us. In just a few days we are taking our first destination vacation without having to worry about bedwetting! This has made such a difference in our lives and I am convinced if we had not found this program we would still be struggling with bedwetting on nearly a nightly basis.  My daughter was 10 when she started this program, and although it took time and perseverance, she “graduated” just before her 11th birthday. There were tears in both of our eyes when the program loaded and Dr.Sagie came on and told her she had done it! I could not have asked for a better birthday gift for my daughter. Thank you 1000 times over!


TheraPee works well & fast!

My 9 year daughter was still wetting the bed. We tried lots of different things – but nothing worked until TheraPee. Within 1 month she had almost stopped wetting completely (maybe 1-2 a month vs 3-5 a week). Within 3 months – no accidents at all. That was about 3 months ago & she has been completely dry ever since. She even went away to sleepaway camp this summer with no incidents! I really think that TheraPee is worth it, it is quick, it works & it’s simple, it’s also FSA eligible. My daughter liked filling in the on line star sheet & seeing her progress. Before that we were either washing sheets 3-5 times a week, or using pullups, which is quite embarrassing for a 9 yr old. Any questions are answered almost immediately via email, and even phone. They are very helpful! I’m now recommending this to anyone with a bedwetting issue

The opinions expressed here are only the evaluations of the individuals, results may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee the same results for every client.